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Drama Club
Mrs. Hyde, Advisor
Drama Club Officers
President Ahlya Abel
Vice President Summer Agan
Treasurer Nathan White
Secretary Layni Branson
2022-23 Members
Abby Hyre
Addi McNair
Ahlya Abel
Alivia Beabout
Alix Bennett
Aubree Ramsey
Autumn Taylor
Bennen Ramsey
Bridgette Woodward
Briley Beabout
Caitlyn Drury
Chance Wilber
Charlie Burkett
Cydney Pethtel
Dannika Fulling
Devin Lawyer
Elliott Meadows
Emily Orr
Gracey Miller
Jacob Christine
Jaylee Hyre
Kaden McCormack
Kiara Fralicker
Makenzie McDaniel
Michaela Fuller
Michlynn Churchwell
Shara Coffman
Shawn Divine
Terry Fouty
Zoey Beabout
Zoey Rinesmith

Wacky Wizard of Oz
November 22 & 23
7:00 p.m.

Scenes From 2018-19 Productions
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