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French I - 3rd Quarter Projects
Amusez-vous avec les prépositions !
To help your understanding of how to pose questions in French, we will be having two extra projects this spring: Filming and Translating Pork Wars (Mrs. Inboden's Culinary Arts Students 4th hour) and growing plants and labelling them in French. These are not for grades but sure are fun!
Help celebrate my birthday and complete this escape room in the library. Anytime! Just complete it by Jan. 22 to win a baked good.
Plant Translations:
Sugar Snap Peas-pois mange-tout
White Morning Glory-gloire blanche du matin
Blue Morning Glory-gloire bleue du matin
Honeycomb Hybrid Tomatoes-tomates hybrides en nid d'abeille
tomato- tomate

These plants were planted on Feb. 2 and the photo to the left was taken on Feb. 6th. Underneath, they have grown so tall- Feb. 8th.

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