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Palestine PTO


Amy Beckes

Jeanie Lawyer

Jamey Tingley

Laura York

Shannon Zanandrea

Jessica Sisil

Autumn Burkett

Lisa Beabout

Samantha Pearse


Outdoor Fun:

  • Playground mulch

  • Football Field gravel

  • Paoli Peaks Trip

  • Easter Egg Hunt

Above and Beyond the School Day:

  • Cookies and Canvas

  • Elementary Santa Day

  • Jr. High Santa Day

  • Pizza and Painting

For Our Teachers:

  • Teacher Appreciation Week

    • Meals​

    • Gifts

    • Classroom Perks

Classroom Activities:

  • Butterflies for Life Cycle Exploration

  • Swimming Transportation


  • 60 Chromebooks

  • 2 Chrome carts

  • Class Set of Headphones

  • SmartBoard Projectors


  • Winter Movie Theater Incentive

  • Spring Movie Theater Transportation

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Pioneer Pride

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  • Instagram
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