Mrs. Redman Mrs. Keen Mrs. Corder
Mrs. Keen: Title 1 Teacher
Mrs. Redman:Title 1 Paraprofesional
Mrs. Corder: Title 1 Paraprofesional
Title 1 Crew: Questions
What is Title? Title 1 is a federally funded program that provides for students struggling in reading and math in elementary and secondary schools. This service is in addition to what the classroom teacher provides.
What is Benchmarking? Benchmarking occurs three times a year. Students are given Benchmark tests to understand where they are in their learning. These Nationally normed tests are offered one-on-one or through a computer-based program.
What is Progress Monitoring? Students are progress monitored monthly. Using the data provided through this monitoring, as well as classroom performance, teachers and administrators meet to discuss student progress.
What is Interventions? Interventionists spend anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes daily, meeting with students to review concepts and give support in areas where students might need extra help.